Saturday, August 19, 2017

श्रीमहाराजांची गोष्ट क्र ७०- अपूर्ण प्रपंचाला नामानं पूर्णत्व


  1. Khoop chaan. Tai tumcha awaaz Khoop godh aahe.

  2. श्रीराम जय राम जय जय राम

  3. Shriram Jai ram
    If God is one as told in " hariharamadhil abhed" then why did shree maharaj tell the person that any prayer asking for materialistic issue needs to be checked with Bramhadeva, Chitragupta etc??
    Please help me understand 🙏🏼

  4. Shriram! Shri Maharaj or any saint answers as per the questioner. The answers would always depend upon the type of person who used to put across the query.

    When a child asks us something, we tell him the answer that he is able to understand. Here main concern is not asking for any material thing and asking for pure bliss that ensues by chanting Naama incessantly. Why does a child not understand big philosophy? It's because he is neither well-versed with it nor will it quench his thirst. Similarly, when a novice would approach Shri Maharaj asking about some spiritual or material query, He would answer the way he will understand it.

    The crux here is - when we ask God Love for His Name, He gives it immediately, provided we ask earnestly and genuinely!

    Shriram Samartha!!!

  5. जानकी जीवन स्मरणं जय जय राम


महत्त्वाची सूचना --

 जय श्रीराम 🙏 १४८ नंतरच्या सर्व श्रीमहाराजांच्या गोष्टी YouTube चॅनेल वर प्रसारित होतील याची कृपया नोंद घ्यावी -- YouTube Channel Link - ht...